10. Colo-rectal cancer – A poor diet often leads to this 10th leading cause of death. Blood in stool, changes in bowel habits, constipation, diarrhea, and narrow stools are some symptoms. Excessive amounts of gas and unusually frequent defecation are more signs.
11. Suicide – This form of death can come as a surprise to loved ones, spouses and friends. No one wants to lose anyone this way. This 11th cause of death takes more than 12 lives per 100,000 every year. Depression is one of the main causes.
12. Kidney disease – Symptoms often develop so slowly that patients may not notice them. Fatigue, loss of appetite, high blood pressure, and fluid in the lungs are some symptoms. Nausea, vomiting and foamy or bubbly urine are more signs of kidney disease. This 12th cause of death takes about 11 lives per 100,000.