8. Spirometra erinaceieuropae – While it does not naturally seek out humans, that doesn't mean that our brains are safe from it. If you ingest water with infected crustaceans and/or frogs, you may be encumbered by seizures, headaches, and memory loss, so be mindful of what you drink!
7. Schistosoma mansoni – You may not have heard of the disease that this creature causes, but around 200 million people worldwide can attest to its severity and commonplace nature. Indeed, the Neglected Tropical Disease Schistosomiasis is second only to Malaria in terms of infection rate! Well, as long as you are not a fan of escargot, you may do well enough to avoid it.
6. Clonorchis sinensis – There are a lot of scary things that a parasite may come, so it makes sense that at least one of them would be able to cause cancer. Yes, this parasite, if left untreated, can prove to be a nasty guest. Even if you do get treated early, you can look forward to nasty cases of diarrhea, nausea, and more.